really had nth better to do in the train so i played around with my camera.i took the photo of the fire extinguisher,changed its contrast and brightness abit and also added the negative effect.quite pretty eh?
I am so tired today…….I woke up at 7 and started doing my pp. Not much of a progress as I was almost sleeping through it. After which, I went for a job interview with Trudy, Anderson and Jeremy. We went to brewerkz and they only asked us to fill in forms. Obviously, they wont hire us, so I told jeremey to go to the other place to test our luck. On the way there I saw this poster. Whoa~! High paid waitresses! But you got to be a great drinker and must be playing all those stupid games and talk to oldies. So the hourly pay is longer attractive anymore.
As we were walking through those alleys, I realize that a lot of places are hiring, just that they didn’t give the newspapers income to get employees. Anyway we have gotten a job now. Its this place called moomba which serves Australian wine and cuisine. The whole place did look really nice and it has two floors. The sad thing is that they do not do Sundays and public holidays, which means no more double pay for me to look forward to.AW~! That’s sad!
Supposingly, I should be in the bugis library but I got dragged to SP by jeremey law. He got his dance classes and wanted people to see him dance. (Don’t really get his idea anyway)
Wasn’t interested to watch him dance so I got him to bring me to the library so that I can borrow some books and fulfill my main purpose there. When I finally figured out how his library works, I was already on the very edge of falling asleep….thank goodness the library in RP doesn’t work that way. If not I would have swear through my sessions in the library, it was so damn complicated. I must say that the boys in SP are desperate, actually they are VERY desperate~! I didn’t think that my skirt was that short and or my tee was that low too. But I don’t understand why they just keep on staring. I was like “
my little brother was retained.he sounded really happy and calm about it. i on the other hand was rather angry with him.but he has his points.he knew that he did not do well or in actual fact study at all,so its like giving him another chance and also a better chance to get into the N(a).hai....i don't want to care le la......i am so so so so so tired of this.
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