HM.....i dunno what to say or how to organize my its gonna be very dry and draggy.LOL!(not happy don't read ar!)=P
went to see lots of movies recently.watched zohan,get smart,kung fu panda,blah blah blah.zohan was a bit disappointing while kung fu panda was totally unexpectedly the master,he damn cute,small in size,but extremely juai!chilli padi!
get smart was really stupid,but i still find it funny.the next show in the queue would be WANTED! its so damn cool~!they have got angelina jolie!its a must watch!
(i wanted to see twilight too!)
school laptop msn,no youtube,no imeem,no tetris.....ARRGGGHHH~! give me back my entertaiment!!!! but anyway school just returned me my leo,xie tian xie di,i can finally go to school le!
went gai gai with shan after work yesterday.went to eat and blught a dress that cost ONLY 29.90! freaking cheap!thats actually the cheapest clothing i had bought this year!HAHAHA! i know i am terrible,i like clothes that last long for me and of course they come with a BIGGER price.the dress was cute to me so i didn't really care if the material is so so,coz its CHEAP,whatdaya expect hur?bought a noobish sunglass and a beltand helped to pay for shan's 'dress' coz she no money le.she lost something important and gotta save up for it.kam gong one.and i lost my atm card again yesterday(i am another gong one),but its ok la,will do a new one later(debit la!).gotta go le,too many things to be done.woossshh!*
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I GOT TAGGED.......AGAIN........KAO!
01. What have you been doing recently?
02. Do you ever turn you cell phone off?
no,its on 24.7
03. What happened at 10.00am today?
i fell asleep?
04. When did you last cry?
a few days ago?
05. Believe in fate/destiny?
06. What do you want in your life right now?
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
i don't carry an umbrella nor a hood.i run in the rain.
08. What’s your favourite thing to have on your bed?
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What’s the nicest text in your inbox say?
which inbox?
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
zohan with trudy and zhu xian.
14. What are you proud of? recently cleaned cleared room?lol
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
"yes.purely never silent right you bitch".i dont keep msgs by the
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
right now by danity kane(i know its a very sensual song but i liked it)
17. Do you have any nicknames?
HAHA! Its on my blog,top right hand corner.
18. What does your last received text message say? Who was it from?
telling me to study and say the details of my story later.zhu xian!
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
one plus???
20. Are you currently happy?
21. Who gives you best advice?
too many to mention,they don't usually get into my head anyway.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
shi kai
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh? huat a few mins ago?
26. Do you wear toe socks?
no idea whats that so should be no
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
guo qiang
28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
29. What annoys you most in a person?
his or her character?
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
ha! i don't even smoke.
32. What is the colour of your room?
light blue
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
34. Do you believe in the saying ‘talk is cheap’?
what the hell is that?
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
farhan!(his bday hug)
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
what do you mean?my last kiss was public so i guess yes?
38. Do you have a life?
i am still living,so yes.
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn’t?
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
to tell everyone to be strong and move on.
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
my grandparents.(i miss them)
42. Last time you smiled?
43. Have you changed this year?
hard to say,its for you to decide =)
44. What are you listening right now ?
right now by danity kane
45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
open la~!who walks with their eyes closed?unless they wanna die.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
many but i will mention one which has never been a problem,its you.
48. Do you want someone you can’t have?
ha i did,but not now
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
ya,played with many
50. What was the worst idea you’ve had in week?
leaving this place
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
52. Why do you blog?
coz i like it
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
yes and a no?
55. Who always make you laugh?
....i cant answer this.coz almost everyone can except for qing ying
56. Do you speak other language other than English?
57. Favourite website?
58. What's your middle name?
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
going to school and working after that
60. What do you think you are like?
woah.....the wind?haha.....ask me and i might explain.
61. Who will you choose to die with?
my husband
62. Where have you been today?
home,school and bbdc later
63. What game do you play often?
neopets! i have got millions in
64. What are you missing right now?
secondary days
65. If you’ve to choose between friend n loves, who will you choose?
hard to decide,but i don't think i will have to choose now so no answer
66. What are you doing right now?
getting fed up in answering this and thinking of ways to slaughter min shi for tagging me
67. Which primary school are you from?
townsvillie and evergreen
68. Name 3 colours that you like?
69. What emotion you like to show?
like? i don't know but i smile and laugh most of the times
70. What is your life to you?
a long tormenting journey and a huge challenge
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
talk about it or take a stroll around the multi storey carpark by myself.
72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
wee huat
73. Who do you admire most?
i don't know
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
fed up
76. What is the time now?
77. what kind of person do u think the one who tagged u is??
an idiot.
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
brown highlights?
79. Why are you doing this test?
coz min shi tagged me
80. What do you do when you’re moody?
make myself happy
81. At which age you wish to get married?
27? 28? 29? 30? 31?
82. Who is more important to you? Girlfriend or friends?
83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
kiss everyone goodbye
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
haha....used to have one but now no.
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
seen dozens of them
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
a bright future and a great family
87. What is your goal for this year?
to attend school everyday
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
Yes....and no?
89. What feeling do you love most?
the feeling of being 'touched'?
90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
of coz~!
91. What feeling you hate the most?
the feeling of failure?
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
i do want to and i will
93. Do you believe in god?
94. Who cares for you most?
i don't know.everyone cares for me,i have not asked myself who does it the most.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
96. What will you bring when you fight?
hahahaha!i brought my mums wooden cake making 'staff' once(to beat the sense out of the 2 bitches who beat shan up),depends on whats available and how much i feel like killing them.
97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
being persuaded into entering RP.
98. What would you feel if every one no longer cares for you?
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
kick his vital part.
02. Do you ever turn you cell phone off?
no,its on 24.7
03. What happened at 10.00am today?
i fell asleep?
04. When did you last cry?
a few days ago?
05. Believe in fate/destiny?
06. What do you want in your life right now?
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
i don't carry an umbrella nor a hood.i run in the rain.
08. What’s your favourite thing to have on your bed?
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What’s the nicest text in your inbox say?
which inbox?
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
zohan with trudy and zhu xian.
14. What are you proud of? recently cleaned cleared room?lol
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
"yes.purely never silent right you bitch".i dont keep msgs by the
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
right now by danity kane(i know its a very sensual song but i liked it)
17. Do you have any nicknames?
HAHA! Its on my blog,top right hand corner.
18. What does your last received text message say? Who was it from?
telling me to study and say the details of my story later.zhu xian!
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
one plus???
20. Are you currently happy?
21. Who gives you best advice?
too many to mention,they don't usually get into my head anyway.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
shi kai
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh? huat a few mins ago?
26. Do you wear toe socks?
no idea whats that so should be no
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
guo qiang
28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
29. What annoys you most in a person?
his or her character?
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
ha! i don't even smoke.
32. What is the colour of your room?
light blue
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
34. Do you believe in the saying ‘talk is cheap’?
what the hell is that?
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
farhan!(his bday hug)
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
what do you mean?my last kiss was public so i guess yes?
38. Do you have a life?
i am still living,so yes.
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn’t?
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
to tell everyone to be strong and move on.
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
my grandparents.(i miss them)
42. Last time you smiled?
43. Have you changed this year?
hard to say,its for you to decide =)
44. What are you listening right now ?
right now by danity kane
45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
open la~!who walks with their eyes closed?unless they wanna die.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
many but i will mention one which has never been a problem,its you.
48. Do you want someone you can’t have?
ha i did,but not now
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
ya,played with many
50. What was the worst idea you’ve had in week?
leaving this place
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
52. Why do you blog?
coz i like it
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
yes and a no?
55. Who always make you laugh?
....i cant answer this.coz almost everyone can except for qing ying
56. Do you speak other language other than English?
57. Favourite website?
58. What's your middle name?
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
going to school and working after that
60. What do you think you are like?
woah.....the wind?haha.....ask me and i might explain.
61. Who will you choose to die with?
my husband
62. Where have you been today?
home,school and bbdc later
63. What game do you play often?
neopets! i have got millions in
64. What are you missing right now?
secondary days
65. If you’ve to choose between friend n loves, who will you choose?
hard to decide,but i don't think i will have to choose now so no answer
66. What are you doing right now?
getting fed up in answering this and thinking of ways to slaughter min shi for tagging me
67. Which primary school are you from?
townsvillie and evergreen
68. Name 3 colours that you like?
69. What emotion you like to show?
like? i don't know but i smile and laugh most of the times
70. What is your life to you?
a long tormenting journey and a huge challenge
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
talk about it or take a stroll around the multi storey carpark by myself.
72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
wee huat
73. Who do you admire most?
i don't know
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
fed up
76. What is the time now?
77. what kind of person do u think the one who tagged u is??
an idiot.
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
brown highlights?
79. Why are you doing this test?
coz min shi tagged me
80. What do you do when you’re moody?
make myself happy
81. At which age you wish to get married?
27? 28? 29? 30? 31?
82. Who is more important to you? Girlfriend or friends?
83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
kiss everyone goodbye
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
haha....used to have one but now no.
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
seen dozens of them
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
a bright future and a great family
87. What is your goal for this year?
to attend school everyday
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
Yes....and no?
89. What feeling do you love most?
the feeling of being 'touched'?
90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
of coz~!
91. What feeling you hate the most?
the feeling of failure?
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
i do want to and i will
93. Do you believe in god?
94. Who cares for you most?
i don't know.everyone cares for me,i have not asked myself who does it the most.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
96. What will you bring when you fight?
hahahaha!i brought my mums wooden cake making 'staff' once(to beat the sense out of the 2 bitches who beat shan up),depends on whats available and how much i feel like killing them.
97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
being persuaded into entering RP.
98. What would you feel if every one no longer cares for you?
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
kick his vital part.
this is not fair~! i got tagged too many times~!!!
A) people who have been tagged MUST write their answers on their blog/or they can send EMAIL to EVERYONE.
b)tag 8 OTHER PEOPLE to do this quiz and those tagged cannot refuse.these people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person who they were tagged by.
c)continue this game by sending it to people.
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
hmm....laughed at him and say that he is stupid?
#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
hard to decide....but i will want to be rich~!lol
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
hard to describe!fun and romantic?
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
very.i am on my way there but i can't move.PUSH ME!
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
i don't think i got ideal lover.....when you like someone,its for who they are,and i don't wanna stereotype them,coz they are unique in their own ways.
#6. What is more blessed? loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved i guess.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
i don't know,till i get sick of it?
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what will you do?
wait for him to be!
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
plenty,no point saying it too,you can't solve it.
#10. Is being tagged fun?
#11. How do you see yourself in 10years time?
i am nineteen now,so ten years later....29....OLD..but i hope that i get the job i love and that i will have already traveled to the places i wanted to.=)
#12. What kind of person do you think that tagged you is?
a friend.
#13. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
hard one....'single and rich'can be reaLLY lonely and sad.i prefer to be married but poor if my husband is someone worth me being poor instead of rich!=)
#14. Who are currently the most important people to you?
everyone i know and are close to?
#15. What is the first thing you do every morning?
get straight back to lala land or get a mini apple.
#16. Would you give all in a relationship?
depends on the relationship.If i see myself with him for the rest of the lifetime,yes i will,but if i cant see the future,i won't,its just a way of protecting myself.
#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
the one i can get along better,be happier and loves me more.haha!
#18. What type of friends do you like?
sincere friends,those who really do care!
#19. What type of friends do you dislike?
.......they wont be my friends.stupid question,by the way
#20. Tag 8 other friends.(hahaha!they tagged me i got no choice so i tagged you all)
1.bei shan
4.hui yun
6.ri xian
i got tagged by min shi,juli,kristen and hagen.hate them don't hate me,i got no choice also ,too many people tagged me at one time le.
b)tag 8 OTHER PEOPLE to do this quiz and those tagged cannot refuse.these people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person who they were tagged by.
c)continue this game by sending it to people.
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
hmm....laughed at him and say that he is stupid?
#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
hard to decide....but i will want to be rich~!lol
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
hard to describe!fun and romantic?
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
very.i am on my way there but i can't move.PUSH ME!
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
i don't think i got ideal lover.....when you like someone,its for who they are,and i don't wanna stereotype them,coz they are unique in their own ways.
#6. What is more blessed? loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved i guess.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
i don't know,till i get sick of it?
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what will you do?
wait for him to be!
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
plenty,no point saying it too,you can't solve it.
#10. Is being tagged fun?
#11. How do you see yourself in 10years time?
i am nineteen now,so ten years later....29....OLD..but i hope that i get the job i love and that i will have already traveled to the places i wanted to.=)
#12. What kind of person do you think that tagged you is?
a friend.
#13. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
hard one....'single and rich'can be reaLLY lonely and sad.i prefer to be married but poor if my husband is someone worth me being poor instead of rich!=)
#14. Who are currently the most important people to you?
everyone i know and are close to?
#15. What is the first thing you do every morning?
get straight back to lala land or get a mini apple.
#16. Would you give all in a relationship?
depends on the relationship.If i see myself with him for the rest of the lifetime,yes i will,but if i cant see the future,i won't,its just a way of protecting myself.
#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
the one i can get along better,be happier and loves me more.haha!
#18. What type of friends do you like?
sincere friends,those who really do care!
#19. What type of friends do you dislike?
.......they wont be my friends.stupid question,by the way
#20. Tag 8 other friends.(hahaha!they tagged me i got no choice so i tagged you all)
1.bei shan
4.hui yun
6.ri xian
i got tagged by min shi,juli,kristen and hagen.hate them don't hate me,i got no choice also ,too many people tagged me at one time le.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
sian........F up!
sian sia........totally no drive to go school lei.its not the things that happened.I know my priorities,i know what i am aiming for,i know its important but I just cant get there you know? rp has got this fucked up look that says"please do not enter or come back again"
this totally sucks.........its just that i know whats the road i am taking but i just can't step on it.....will somebody just kick me in the head so that i am more clear???!!i am like somewhere there but not yet get what i mean?totally shut down matter what people say,it didn't matter at was my unsolvable problem.I got so fed up,i turn to sch's counseling,now i am waiting for one life-saving email,i hope that they can help.give me some huge penalties,make me pay money or whatever it takes to drag me to school.AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!FUCK LA! so much,complain so much,still don't have people who understand and help de.for what am i saying this sia?(to prove that i am an idiotic bitch)
this totally sucks.........its just that i know whats the road i am taking but i just can't step on it.....will somebody just kick me in the head so that i am more clear???!!i am like somewhere there but not yet get what i mean?totally shut down matter what people say,it didn't matter at was my unsolvable problem.I got so fed up,i turn to sch's counseling,now i am waiting for one life-saving email,i hope that they can help.give me some huge penalties,make me pay money or whatever it takes to drag me to school.AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!FUCK LA! so much,complain so much,still don't have people who understand and help de.for what am i saying this sia?(to prove that i am an idiotic bitch)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
random post before i go penang!

i going to penang lo~!so you guys won't hear from me for a VERY short time.just in case you all miss me,i will put something up.HAHA!=P
went St James on Wednesday,it was really really packed,but there was no such queue ridzuan said(he said you can line from 2am to 4am) which is pretty impossible,since it closes at 4. reach there around 1 plus i think,was in the cab with sue when i saw the kitchen's ah leong from afar,then sue tell me that he got come.what made me went bonkers was when i saw the number of GUYS he brought.just when i thought its supposed to be a true 'ladies night'(me,Trudy,sue,wani and her sister),ya but along with six kitchen guys if i am not it the guy's night out instead. at first,i thought it was Trudy who called the ah leong,turns out to be sue instead and absolutely no one had any idea that he was gonna bring the whole bunch of them.
we got in and as usual me and sue are the crazy idiots.we danced and laughed like there was no tml.i cant drink but they ordered jugs,so i took a few 'sips',nothing much to get me the 'high' feeling,so no worries,i know my health.when i really am tired and thirsty,i opt for a "this-is-for-myself" orange juice,coz i was sweating and losing lots of water.
sue was abit drunk,make it pretty drunk,you can tell from her teary eyes.we went out and talked abit before having a little argument with the stupid bouncer(we wanted to get in to take our belongings and he forbid us to do so,coz he said its closed and wanted us to phone our friends to get it for us) we got nothing with us,how are we supposed to phone our friends??!! TELEPATHY??!! I got fed up with him and raised my tone,and he finally understood the situation and let us why would i wanna continue drinking and dancing in a lighted place with no music and alcohol at all?-_-'''
sue was hungry and demanded for food,so off we went to lao pa sa! makan gong gongs,kang kong and rice.the kitchen staff kept talking and talking,mostly bullshit but it was really interesting to hear them chat about the way ah chuan(kitchen chef and manager) will scold them,the way they will party in the kitchen when he is not around and how much tacit understanding they have with each other,they even showed us real lame examples,like moving one's finger left and right and the other would move his head in the same direction at the exact start and end.LOL.calling oneself 'wo lan jao' and the other will say "wo chee bye".really lame but funny la,hahaha...after which we went to wave a taxi for sue(hard task, taxi changing shifts)
trudy wanted to go to the toilet urgently so she decided to start 'running' when we were near and.....she went the wrong way.she still laugh like siao ding dong,and run the right way with a weird posture.because of that this guy called ah dong found it funny and imitated her,and she started chasing him when she was out of the toilet.
so here's the result,she didn't manage to catch him even when he was running round and round in her weird 'fairy posture'.
slept a bit when i was in the train and reached home in the morning.....i forgot what s the time,but it doesn't matter anyway.HAHA!
have 'some' pictures down there.
i am a little bit insane today coz kerna slammed real hard in the early morning(12 plus la,its still morning to me)those guests were idiots,they do so much stupid things,and i had so little time to digest.i was not even fully awake yet! they slapped the sleepiness out of me and made me sweat like hell....~!thank goodness,lovely,nice,handsome,tall,good-looking,cool,charming kent came to help(SEE! I PRAISED YOU!) i managed to pull through. gave him a treat during lunch time since he has been SO nice.haha......
they put me at the last umbrella AGAIN(the last section,which is really far from the door and the most troublesome place to me)hai....made me really tired and crazy,so i told erwin to let me settle my things last(cash out),coz i had a long list of bills to settle.he really did(huge miracle).got lots of cash so i took a picture of near yet so far...T-T.Dennis commented that it look like those police case where a loan shark is caught or something like that.haha! so true.ri xian got more,so he used it to prove that he is money face(another loan shark).haha!i took a picture of him covering his face with money...!was crazy enough to take a few more pictures with shane and mary during!
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