served a local table yesterday and did not really expect them to do tipping and they did with quite an amazing value(i hated serving them)LOL.the birthday girl was wearing those damn low cut blouse that showed 3/4 of her boobies,arjunan keep saying "cantek ar".haha...i just told him she might as well don't wear the blouse.she just kept flashing her boobies which gets pretty irritating since i am not as well off as her(just kidding)and she was really drunk.(ya i know,if you are guy you will be saying "what a waste i wasn't there") i REALLY liked that table coz they bought a cake from nectarie at clarke place and left the box there! i am so happy! i love that box!(so i took it home=D)

ya la i know,garung guni rite?(i don't care!)
today was pure drama.a guy fell down and his head at the bar.HA!an ambulance had to come to fetch him to hospital for a check up.what an expensive 'drink' he had.then there was this Indian girl who threw up everything at the table...ewww....then she even peng at the NARROW corridors to the make things worst she vomit at the constraint space left to walk through.fantastic.that sent almost all managers and supervisors over to check out the situation. i went too!(coz i am kaypo),only to be poked by erwin and pushed back to my place(i poked him back!lol)
talk about poking ppl in the waist....i started this trend with Terence.the moment we see each other,we will be wrestling with each other and poking each other all the sort of extended it to almost everyone i see so that i know who is afraid of the my surprise a lot are...HOHOHO...(sadly,i am too )now,retribution seems to have worked its course,coz everyone aims at me.see me,POKE,see me,smack my ponytail.see me,disturb me.KAO!
talk about the admirers,i am starting to suspect another coming,whats with the 'luck' lo....why recently?i don't think i have changed much in appearance ar,aiya,i don't care,i just live my life the way i want to.
having company chalet tml,i want to play till no tml! swim,skate,cycle,eat and di siao siao!OH HO!just the thought of it perks me up.oh no no no no,i gotta go sleep le,coz i need to wake up early, i wanna enjoy my long awaited "lim kopi" session with my friends,lol.
gotta tuck in le,good nitez~!
end the post with pictures!(sue and me)(me and zhu xian)

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